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Staff at the Linstead Public Hospital receiving the WSG donation check from Pastor Wezley Gayle and Dr. Sandra Gayle   

The WSG Empowerment Foundation

WSG Empowerment Foundation is a non-profit company founded in honor of the enduring legacy of Pastor Wezley and Dr. Sandra Gayle.  They have instilled in us, their children, the value of dedication, commitment to a goal, hard work and reaping the reward of our efforts.  They have shown us that while doing this, we need to lend a helping hand where needed to ensure others get lifted along the way and how sharing our rewards with others on their own journey will fulfill our mission of being good Christians and citizens.  This is how the motto of our foundation became “Together We Rise” 


Wezley and Sandra Gayle spent a lifetime doing personal ministries in the community, empowering lives and giving a chance to struggling individuals, families and communities.  They also gave us the indwelling spirit of learning, recognizing the value of education and the highest levels one can achieve to secure our future and personal development.  They invested heavily in this tool for success.  They also believed in a healthy lifestyle and ensuring that we had access to healthcare, recognizing that robust health is the number one asset. 


Thus, the tenants of the Foundation are: Empowering the Community:

  • Through Personal Ministries, 

  • Through Education Access, and

  • Through Improved Healthcare. 

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